Jost Hochuli
Conférence en anglais
La venue de Jost Hochuli est organisée en partenariat avec les éditions B42.
Jost Hochuli, born on 8 June 1933 in the city of St Gallen, is a Swiss graphic designer primarily known for his unusual book designs. He joined the Zollikofer printing company where he worked first as an assistant under Rudolf Hostettler (editor of the Typografische Monatsblätter, TM) and subsequently from 1955 until 1958 as an apprentice compositor. During this time he undertook at the Kunstgewerbeschule Zürich (now ZHdK) a course in writing and lettering with Walter Käch (who also had taught Emil Ruder and Adrian Frutiger).1959 Jost set up his own studio in St.Gallen. He co-founded VGS Verlagsgemeinschaft (now Verlagsgenossenschaft) St.Gallen in 1979 where he was president of the publishing company until 2004; and operated as editor and designer until 2011. Jost has become a widely published author with many books translated into numerous languages (The detail in typography into 17 languages till now). His work has been widely exhibited around the world. For almost 30 years he was a part time teacher (one day a week) first in Zurich and than in St.Gallen and since about 10 years he is known for his book design workshops in different places in Europe.